SSM Thanks giving Challenge: Acts or deeds
19 NovemberSorry it's a little late. Totally forgot about until this morning. Here it is, though.
Does anybody have anything that someone has done for them that they are grateful for? I'm sure we have gifts from the people who love us, and are we thankful for them? Some things we take for granted, like the fact that we can breath, for instance. Yahweh made it so easy for us to breath, and if you're a healthy person, there's not much difference in variation. Breath in, Breath out. Breath in, Breath out. What would happen if all the sudden it was difficult to breath, or we couldn't breath at all? Would we be taking it for granted then? Another example is our eye site. I didn't realize how amazing eyes were and what a gift it was to see clearly until my own eye site began to decline. Now, if I take off my glasses, I can barely read the words of a sign in big letters ten feet in front of me. I didn't realize how much I needed it. These things, like having good eye site and having the ability to breath our gifts from God. How could we live without them?
Has somebody done something for you that you are thankful for? Have you witnessed and act of kindness? I'm almost 99.999999999 percent positive that all of us have been given something in our lives or seen another act of kindness being made. Would you mind sharing? I encourage you to Shining Star's website and comment there, also.
By the way, I posted Psalm four for memory under bible. Sorry it's been so long since I've posted under that category.
Thanks for reading today!
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