Passover is coming up!

08 March

How are all of you today? I hope you all had a good Shabbat!

Yesterday was really eye opening for me. We went to Montrose to hear a special speaker, Kenny Russel, at What he had to say was really powerful! He was talking about living by the faith and hearing from the Holy Spirit and as I listened to him I realized that this is something I really need to work on and pray about!

Anyway, head over to his site and check it out! He's really on fire for God and he's really fun to listen to! (He has a Scottish accent!) I hope you enjoy!

On another note, Passover is coming up! Time to start preparing our houses for this special and amazing time! My family will actually be in Kentucky for the feast and for Unleavened Bread, (Yahweh willing) which means there's even more to get ready! On top of de-leavening our home, there will be tons of planning, (menu planning), buying all the food, packing all the food, packing personal belongings, making things to sell at the Market Place, and then getting there, unpacking, and eating all the food. :) Plus goodwill shopping (they have a goodwill there that has a lot of good finds!) and we also get to visit some friends at Kenlake and then at there home! We are very excited for what the Father has in store!

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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