
30 April

"For all men are like grass, and all their glory like the flowers of the field; the grass withers, and the flowers fall. But the Word of the Lord stands forever!"

What amazing words those are! The Word of Yahweh stands forever! That means His Torah, His teachings and instructions, will stand forever and ever! I honestly can't imagine forever. Time that just goes on and on and on... When we went to the Creation Museum we went to the Planetarium there and it was baffling. It was by far my favorite part of the museum, not only because it was crazy cool but because I realized for the first time how huge the universe is! It just keeps going forever! Our human minds can't comprehend something that never ends, like "forever" or the universe. Something that just goes on and on and keeps going for all eternity... I can't imagine that. Can you?

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3 Posted by Emma comments

  1. Hey Emma! I know we've connected before through the Shining Stars Magazine and my blog.

    I really enjoyed this post! I can't comprehend "forever" either. Astronomy is definitely a testament to our Awesome Creator....Staring up at the moon shining in the night sky reminds me how small I am, and yet Yeshua loves me (isn't it baffling?)...I always want to live in awe and wonder of my Savior....I have tendencies to want to understand and reason everything about Him and life, but often times that is unhealthy for me, and it's much better to have a heart of a child, that trusts her Heavenly Father, and listens for His voice and holds close His words. Each and every day, may we walk in His infinite love. <3


    1. Hello Joy! So glad you enjoyed the post! (All the glory goes to God) :) I agree... The fact that he chose one tiny planet out of millions upon millions of others is unbelievable and exciting at the same time. He chose this little planet and put His House in the holy city of Jerusalem in one of the smallest countries (currently, until Yeshua comes back and restores everything) in the world! What a wonderful Father we serve!

      I have enjoyed reading your blog and what you've had to say, and thank you so much for your posts! They really helped me when I was going through a difficult time with a family tragedy we were facing. Thank you so much for your encouragement!

    2. Dear Emma,

      We definitely do serve a wonderful Father who has wonderful plans for us all. Hearing that my posts have encouraged you means so much to me! That's what I long for it to be about...sharing the hope of Yeshua. All the glory goes to Him! I will be praying that Yahweh will encourage you and your family in a special way this week.



About Me

STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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