Family Week 2015

19 April

Shalom everyone! I apologize for not posting in so long, but here is a really long one to catch up! We were so blessed to be able to go to the 2015 Family Week with Ha Yovel, and what an amazing time we had!

We left early on the morning on April 1. Our goal was to get all the way to Indepedance, Missouri in one day and drive the rest of the way to Kenlake the next day. The first part of the day went like this...

We made it to Kansas City and stopped at a Whole Foods to get dinner and started back on the road to get to the hotel we were staying at in Independance. By the time we were on the road again it was dark and the roads were very busy. As we were going people kept leaning out of their windows and pointing frantically at our camper and shouting at us. We weren't really sure why, until we realized that we had blown a tire on the camper earlier that day somehow without realizing it and now it was sparking. The drivers in Kansas City are super busy people, apparently, so if you aren't driving above 80 your getting run over and there was horrible traffic. We were able to get off the highway and change the tire without any more problems at that point.

Yep, it was pretty bad.

The next morning we woke up and got on the road after picking up a new spare tire. We got to Columbia, Missouri and stopped at a Walmart. When we came back out, the car wouldn't start.

We had to have the car towed to an auto shop, but the people we were traveling with could only fit three extra people and the tow truck driver could fit five extra. That still left three people who had to wait for Mrs. Lori to drop some people off at the auto shop and come back for them. That turned out to be my Mom, me, and Sophia. And there just so happened to be a Freddy's a little ways away.

Milkshakes. (Yuuuummmm!)

Mrs. Lori came back for us and drove us to where our car had been taken.

Oh yeah, it was great fun.

We ended up having to stay in a hotel for an extra three days while they were fixing our car. (Our friends went on to Kentucky on the second day) The mechanic was bending over backwards trying to get us back on the road and stayed up till almost midnight for three days trying to get the car fixed. We were so, so blessed to have such a kind man helping us.

Sunday we were back on the road driving the rest of the way to the campground. We made it by lunch time and had an amazing time enjoying the camping trip and learning what Yahweh has in store for us! We were so blessed to be able to go.

I'll try to post more pictures as soon as I get the pictures from my Mom's camera onto the computer, but these will have to do for now.

After Family Week we drove to the Creation Museum in Cincinnati and it was amazing! It is definitely worth it to drive out there. We kind of had to rush through it because we were needing to get to the campground we were staying at in Wisconsin, but it was so neat! I would definitely go again and take at least 2 or 3 days to go through it so that I could see a little bit more. We were very happy to go.

We stayed two nights in Wisconsin and visited with our friends Brittney and Caleb and their three children. Apparently, Wisconsin is famous for it's cheese, so we spent several hours hunting for fresh cheese curds and found some that had been made that day! They were so good... We still have some, actually.

After that we drove though Iowa and Nebraska and stayed at my Mom's brother's house in Kearney, NB. We got up at 3 am the next day and drove and drove, trying to get home as fast as we could. Colorado's weather was a wreck! There was snow everywhere and by the time we got to Georgetown there were five accidents that we saw because the roads were so slippery. 

Here is Denver.

This is in the mountains.

And here is coming into Silverthorne.

And we can't forget vail...

And here is the surprise we had waiting for us when we got home!

Over 20 dozen eggs that our chickens laid for us while we were gone!

So that was some of our trip. I will hopefully be posting more pictures soon, but now you have a general idea! Thank you, Yahweh, for allowing us to go!


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1 Posted by Emma comments

  1. Wow. That is A TON of eggs! Sweet!!!! I guess you've got breakfast made for the next, well, 2 months, maybe? :) But then again, it may only last a week! :) Blessings!


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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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