Guest post with Peaches & Dreams

05 February

Hey there! I was asked by Paige at Peaches and Dreams to do a guest post for her new blog! This girl is absolutely amazing... She is not only a close friend of mine, but also a huge inspiration for me and such an amazing young woman, and I am so blessed to have her as my friend! Click here to view my guest post on Paige's blog, and I encourage everyone to check out her other fabulous posts and subscribe to her blog!

I am in love with this new dress I got. I found it for $9 on Poshmark, and they don't even sell this dress on Garnet Hill anymore! As you can well imagine, I was very excited to find it for so cheap when it isn't even being sold by the company anymore. 

The only annoying this about this photos is the sun. We took these in the late morning instead of in the late afternoon/evening like I usually like too, because the lighting at that time is just right. Our challenge with these ones was that it was either too shady or we were being blinded by the sun! We finally worked it out though, as you can see. :)

These are my new Earthing shoes, too! Don't get weirded out... They are basically just shoes that I also found on Poshmark from a company that went out of business a few years ago, JUIL. Maybe one of these days I'll do a post on what Earthing is, but for now, just go look it up! Pretty interesting stuff!

Another thing about this outfit... I changed it after these pictures were taken. I put my hair up into a bun, and I also added a lace belt that I tied in a flower/bow type knot... But we weren't able to get any pictures of the outfit AFTER I added and changed those two things. So at some point I will wear the outfit again, and then maybe I'll post the pictures and possibly a little tutorial on how to tie the know with the belt! For now though, this will do. :)

Dress: Garnet Hill
Shoes: Juil
Cardigan: Goodwill

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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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