Emergency Prayer Request

28 March

I know that many of you know the Smallwood family who used to live in Rulison but moved to Tennessee last fall. I don't have many details right now, but Maureen Smallwood was pregnant and had a baby boy either yesterday or earlier today. Something was wrong and her organs shut down and she died. They got her to a hospital in Nashville and recesitated her. They weren't sure if she was going to be okay, but we got a call from the Millers and she passed away earlier this evening. As far as I know the baby is still doing okay. 

For those of you who don't know the Smallwoods, they have four children: Joe, J.T, Sarah, and then the baby boy. Mike (the husband) and the children need a lot of prayer. This is a very tragic thing to have happen. 

Also, Hans Dittrich is in the hospital in Loveland because he partially drowned at  the swimming pool. I guess he's breathing now, but he's not respondimg to anything.

We need to pray against the enemy who is out to steal, kill, and destroy. With Maureen, we are praying that she would be resurrected and that if it's not the will of the Father to bring her back to life that He would send comfort to Mike and the children... Sarah is only 4 or 5... And to their family during this difficult time. I'll post more if I get more detailor those of you who don't know the Smallwoods, they have four children: Joe, J.T, Sarah, and then the baby boy. Mike (the husband) and the children need a lot of prayer. This is a very tragic thing to have happen. 

Also, Hans Dittrich is in the hospital in Loveland because he partially drowned at  the swimming pool. I guess he's breathing now, but he's not respondimg to anything.

We need to pray against the enemy who is out to steal, kill, and destroy. With Maureen, we are praying that she would be resurrected and that if it's not the will of the Father to bring her back to life that He would send comfort to Mike and the children... Sarah is only 4 or 5... And to their family during this difficult time. I'll post more if I get more details. 

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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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