
20 March

Hello! Goodness, things have been busy! What with school, music lessons, and getting ready for Passover, things have been very busy! I absolutely love this time of year. I've finally decided that my favorite season is Spring, with warm, sunny weather in the mid seventies and lots of flowers and limeade. The long, cold, dark winter is finally over and regrowth and awakening has begun! There is still snow on the mountain behind our house and occasionally we have a chilly day but for the most part, we are having a lovely Spring. And of course Passover is on the way in just a few short weeks!

I wore this outfit last Shabbat and absolutely loved the bright, springy look! The skirt is a bright and a very comfortable maxi skirt material. 

My sister Elianah took the pictures of my outfit and hair again. As you can see in the fist photo we had lovely weather on Saturday!

Photo taken by Erika Del Rio

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1 Posted by Emma comments

  1. Beautiful outfit, and I absolutely love your hairstyle! Keeps shining, sweet sister in Messiah!


About Me

STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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