Marvelous Light

20 February

Life is filled with new experiences and different things that we all go through. Often times it is these things that shape us into who we are and what we stand for and believe in. It is during these times that we are forced to make a decision; a decision that will make or break us. 

That decision is whether or not we are going to choose to follow God. 

Notice how I said choose. Yes, following God is a conscious decision that we all have to make. Even if you try to avoid it, try to run from it, it will eventually catch up to you and force you to make a decision. We can't just stay in the middle ground... That isn't how the world works. We must choose whether we are going to follow God, or the world. We can't serve both. 

When you make the commitment to follow God and you give your life over to Him, you are welcomed as a beloved child into His family. You then become obligated to act as the child of the Living God that you are and follow His statutes and His ordinances. You must keep yourself set-apart to Him and to Him alone, and not allow yourself to conform to the pattern of this world in the face of adversity. 

Our whole purpose is to give glory to God the Father and to tell of His love that is poured out on us through His son, Yeshua the Messiah. We must live as children of the light! This means that we must show others who God is by showing love, commitment, and the overwhelming compassion and mercy or our Holy, loving Father. 

Yeshua Himself said that you are the light of the world, and that you are to "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father who is in heaven!"
The light that is in us when we allow God to enter into our hearts and lives is what shines for all to see. How we walk out our freedom will be seen by others. They will see our freedom from shame and the peace that God grants to those who love and serve Him. It's amazing how when we are set free, we are suddenly free to love others more! We are to show love to those who hate us, pray for those who want to harm us and bless those who curse us. Instead of viewing the followers of God as hateful and stuck-up people, they will see God's love shining through our actions and our words and our commitment to God and they will run to it. 

Conforming to the ways of this world will never help them to see God. Following the crowd never won anyone over. Chances are you are saved because somebody stepped out and shared with you the story of a Holy, loving God who sent His one and only son to die so that you could be set free. Don't go along with what the world is doing! Only by walking in His ways and showing His love those around us will we ever be able to show others what He is like and show them  the blessing of walking out of the darkness and into His marvelous light. 

"For you once we not a people, but now you are PEOPLE OF GOD; you had not received mercy, but now you have RECEIVED MERCY."

1 Peter 2:10

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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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