Purim | Giving out of our everything

02 March

Chag Sameach!

Beginning last night and all day today, we celebrate Purim in remembrance of when God used an orphaned Jewish girl to play a key role in saving the Jewish population. If you've never read the book of Esther, go read it. It's only 10 chapters long so it won't take you long. A true story of bravery, romance, treason, and hope, this story is a true testament to how God has never left His people, even when it all seems hopeless and like He is a million miles away from ever saving you. God remembered His people when they were in Persia, and He remembers them now... And He sees the land and will one day restore it completely to His chosen ones in an act of beautiful redemption. 

It is a tradition to give gift baskets out to your friends and neighbors on Purim. So we put baskets together and some of them we saved for friends that we want to give them to, but the rest we took and handed them out to people who might be in need, and even if they were doing just fine and didn't need it, it was still a blessing. It blessed them and us to see their faces light up with surprise that we would do this, and it reminded me how great a gift it is to give. 

When we give of our everything... Of our bounty and of our lack, God is always faithful to provide. 

In our serving... Give it all. When God asked the children of Israel to bring gifts and supplies to build the tabernacle, He didn't make it a mandate that "Thou shalt bring all of you gold earrings and fine linen to be used for the building of the tabernacle." God has given us a free will. It is up to us how we act, what we choose to listen to, if we obey or not. It wasn't a command to bring the gifts. He said that everyone who's heart was lead could bring their gifts to be used with a willing heart. God doesn't want half hearted worship! He wants a heartfelt, meaningful relationship... One that you can trust will never end as long as you choose to keep it up. 

In our relationships... give it all. Nobody enjoys half hearted relationships.   They are hard to keep up and things tend to become strained and tense and you end up wondering if you ever should have invested in the first place. Sow into them and let your friend know that no matter what, you'll be there. You will reap the benefits. 

In our giftings... Give it all. You are unbelievably important. The things that you bring to the table matter. We have lived our lives far too long believing that the things that we have to offer, our talents and our achievements don't amount to anything. That I'm maybe not so special, not really appreciated, not really loved. Maybe that the world would be a better place if I wasn't hear. 
But when we stand upright in stead of letting ourselves be trampled by the enemy and all His tricks and lies and look up, we can hear better what the Father says is true. We can see better what the Father does. We can feel that the Father pours out His love on us in ways that I can never comprehend. Use your talents and your giftings for the glory of God! Hold nothing back. And yes, everyone has talents and everyone has giftings. You might not have discovered them yet, but they are there and you will someday. 

In our weakness... Give it all. In the trial, in the tribulation, in the fear, and in the pain... lay it all before your Abba. Bottling emotions up never did anyone any good. All it takes is one small thing to make everything explode, and from there it’s hard to rebound. When we live in completely surrender, freedom comes. Freedom from shame and unloving and rejection. Giving all our cares and our worries over our Heavenly Father is the only way to find true peace that only He can give, and when we give our weakness to Him, He gives us strength.

So on Purim and in our daily lives, we give with willing and eager hearts to the Lord and to those around us to build up His kingdom. But there is one gift greater then one that we could ever give... And that is the free gift of God which is eternal life in Christ our Lord. Nothing can overshadow that gift.

This article didn’t Go the way I imagined now that I’m almost finished with it, but I am confident that the message that was meant to be said has been given. We serve a powerful, incomprehensible, all knowing and loving God. We must serve Him wholeheartedly and show others His amazing love, and one way to do it is to serve, to bless others, and to give out of our abundance, out of our lack, out of our brokenness. 

And now, for a little lightening of the mood since it is a holiday, after all... One of our favorite Purim songs telling or the story of God’s saving hand that has never left His chosen ones. Have a lovely Purim everyone! Chag Sameach! 

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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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