Happy New Years!
31 DecemberI can hardly believe that the year is already coming to a close. It feels to me like 2018 went by so unbelievably fast that it's leaving my head spinning. Wasn't it just a few months ago that 2017 ended? I'm a little bit disturbed, almost, at how quickly the weeks and months slipped away from me without me noticing them. Perhaps it's because my year was so packed full of traveling around the world and experiencing new things that I had never experienced before that it seemed to fly by with such breathtaking speed. My year was noteworthy, that's for sure. From overcoming a huge challenge in my life to traveling all over the West Coast, continuing with music and traveling to Israel and engaging in our regular community activities and spending the Feasts together with family and friends, and the birth of our newest addition Aaron, this year seems to be much more full than any that I've had before. It has been an eye opening year as well, learning who to trust with my friendship and gaining many new friends along the way. I am privileged to watch their lives unfold beautifully as the seasons roll by, each of them walking out God's purpose for their lives as a testament to His glory. I hope that I am doing the same.
Of course, even in the midst of the joys of our every day lives there are also the trails that keep us on our toes much of the time. Life isn't a bed of roses, but if we make a choice to believe that God does everything, the good and the bad for the greater good and that He wants only the very best for us, we can overcome life's troubles and truly live in perfect contentment, joy, and gratitude, knowing that no matter what, it's going to be okay. That is coming from a person has had their fair share of hardship. Make no mistake, everything hasn't always been sunshine and roses, but as this year is coming to a close I can say with all sincerity and complete belief that everything really does work out alright if you allow God to heal you and shape you into the person that He wants you to be. What a beautiful thing when we finally surrender enough to Him to allow His powerful love and healing chase away any and every fear, hint of sadness, and trace of pain as he puts back the pieces of our broken, shattered hearts.
Truly, we all have something, if not many things to be grateful for. We ought to be singing praises to God from the rooftops for all of the wonderful things He has done and will continue to do! Rest in Him, and you will find true peace and contentment with where He has you in life. Only after we lay down our dreams that we have in our heads and give everything over to God will miracles happen. Trust Him!!!
New Years 2018!
Purim Party!
Cozy and warm inside. :) I love my girls!
Passover 2018
Last day with my family before I headed out on a road trip for five weeks!
The team!
We were able to spend time with friends that none of us had seen for a while.
First every ferry ride in Washington. Let's drive next time instead... Haha!

Redwood National Forest. This is only one of the many places that I was able to go that I had never been to before! Most of all, it was amazing to be able to experience all of these things with my dear friends who I traveled with for the five weeks on the road. This was definitely a high light.

Home again, and just in time for my 18th birthday and graduation a few weeks later!

Hiking with our friends at Rifle Arch. What a blast!
One thing that I enjoy profusely is making music with these two darlings. They are so talented!

Fourth of July with this lovely lady was so fun and special.
Rodeo fun!
Adding musicians to the family one by one!
(Elsie Mae just recently started taking violin as well!)

Home again! And just in time for Aspen Colorado's Hot Air Balloon festival. What a blast!
Cuties :)

Our Annual Hay ride. This was only a few weeks before Aaron was born!
Photoshoot with these two beautiful sister's of mine.
Meet Aaron Azariah Oliver.
Coffee dates with friends are the best! :)
If you made it all the way to the end of this post, I'm impressed! Happy New Years, and I hope that this coming year is one full of blessing for each and every one of you!
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