8 Things that God taught me in 2018
13 JanuaryThis past year has been such an eye opening year for me. I've learned so many new things and have gained many new experiences though good times and hard times. Overall it has probably been the best year of my teen life because of all of the miracles I've seen and the things that I've learned. It has been an amazing year of learning and restoration! Here are some of the things that God taught me this year.
1. Allow other people to help.
I am a stickler for not wanting help with my spiritual life. I hate asking people for help when I'm not doing well, because I like to keep a good face of perfection. I like to be self sustainable, and I don't want to burden people with my problems because I know that they have plenty of their own problems. I like to be able to pick myself up and hold myself together on my own strength, without help from other's. What I've learned this year, however, is that I shouldn't be trying to hold the world together on my own strength. I should be letting people help me when I need help, but still be careful not to drag them down. Getting help when I struggle isn't a sign of weakness... It's a sign of strength, because sometimes it takes a lot to admit that you are having a struggle. When I allow other's to help me instead of keeping everything all bottled up where it will eventually explode, I can see that I'm not the only one who struggles with whatever things I may be having a hard time with. Chances are the people that you go to have also struggled with similar things, although no case is exactly the same. I can be uplifted and encouraged knowing that I am not alone! Maybe not everyone has gone through the exact same things that I have, but I can still let other's speak words of truth over me and help me to get a different perspective. There truly is nothing new under the sun.
2. Un-forgiveness steals my joy.
Having unforgiveness in your heart towards another person or yourself is harmful to only you. Sometimes it is hard to forgive people... Impossibly hard, but the only person who is kept in bondage because of your unforgiveness is you. You can feel so much lighter and more free when you choose to let go of the past and forgive those who have wronged you. Forgiving yourself is equally as important. Don't keep yourself in unnecessary bondage for no reason!
Having unforgiveness in your heart towards another person or yourself is harmful to only you. Sometimes it is hard to forgive people... Impossibly hard, but the only person who is kept in bondage because of your unforgiveness is you. You can feel so much lighter and more free when you choose to let go of the past and forgive those who have wronged you. Forgiving yourself is equally as important. Don't keep yourself in unnecessary bondage for no reason!
I mean any kind of fear... Anxiety, stress, fear of failure, fear of man, fear of heights, fear of anything. Instead of focusing on the current issue at hand, I can focus on what I know to be true, and that is that God is on my side fighting for me, and He ultimately has the best possible plan for my life. I can't allow fear to cripple me and paralyze me so that I can't live to my full potential! Fear doesn't accomplish anything good... It only hurts and keeps me stagnant. I can overcome any fear... Fear of failure, fear of spiders, fear of anything! I don't have to live my life in a state of panic and worry and stress because I can trust that God's plan is good and that everything works out for the best. Not to say that I'm perfect at it, but I've learned that it's possible!
4. My value is not found in earthly things... My value is found in God!
My worth isn't based on how people treat me or what they think of me. I don't need to meet a certain standard that the world has set because it's not God's standard. I don't need to be put in a box because boxes don't allow for room to grow. I don't have to worry about what other people think of me, because the only thing that matters is what God thinks about me. We may be overlooked by other's, but we are handpicked by God Himself. I don't have to compare myself to others at all or try to fit some mold. I can be uniquely me without being ashamed or embarrassed of myself. How freeing is that?!
5. Gratitude really does help.
Sometimes I can fall down... Don't we all? But I've learned that sometimes all we need is a little perspective change, and showing some gratitude for all of the amazing things that God has done is a good way to go about it. Thanking God and truly expressing heartfelt gratitude really can turn my bad day into a good one if I let it. Writing down all of the things that God has done for me as He does them is good for when I need a reminder that my life really is good even if I have a bad day. Thanking God for every single tiny thing that happens, good and bad, has the ability to revolutionize all of humanity, and I'm not kidding about that. Recognize the areas that God helps you in and after you've written them down tell other's about them! The power of testimony helps not only you but also those around you.
6. If it won't matter in five years it's not worth getting upset about now.
I want to be super laid back and worry free all of the time, but of course I have my moments. Some things that I get irritated or annoyed at are really silly things to get upset about because they don't even really matter. It's not worth getting upset when the door gets left open for the one millionth time or someone forgets to put away the blender. Those things don't matter. Don't sweat the small things, because in the end they really aren't that big of a deal!
7. Self-love is not pride.
It's okay to love who you are! God wants you to love yourself just the way that He made you, despite any shortcomings you may have. God is the ultimate artist, and He made each and every one of us in the specific way that we are for a specific purpose. He worked so hard to create this beautiful masterpiece, and it's okay to love it without asking Him if He could make just a few changes to suit your wishes a little better. Choose to be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up if you mess up. Repent to God and whoever else you need to repent to, forgive yourself, and move on to your next amazing adventure. It truly is one!
8. I am still enough.
Even when I blow it God's love for me is not diminished. I am forgivable no matter what tragic sin I commit. God never made a person He didn't love, and even when I fail I am still wanted, I am still worth it... And so are you. He owns the skies and still He wants your heart. Did you ever hear of a better love story? I never did.
What are some things that God taught you in 2018? Let us know in the comments!
4. My value is not found in earthly things... My value is found in God!
My worth isn't based on how people treat me or what they think of me. I don't need to meet a certain standard that the world has set because it's not God's standard. I don't need to be put in a box because boxes don't allow for room to grow. I don't have to worry about what other people think of me, because the only thing that matters is what God thinks about me. We may be overlooked by other's, but we are handpicked by God Himself. I don't have to compare myself to others at all or try to fit some mold. I can be uniquely me without being ashamed or embarrassed of myself. How freeing is that?!
5. Gratitude really does help.
Sometimes I can fall down... Don't we all? But I've learned that sometimes all we need is a little perspective change, and showing some gratitude for all of the amazing things that God has done is a good way to go about it. Thanking God and truly expressing heartfelt gratitude really can turn my bad day into a good one if I let it. Writing down all of the things that God has done for me as He does them is good for when I need a reminder that my life really is good even if I have a bad day. Thanking God for every single tiny thing that happens, good and bad, has the ability to revolutionize all of humanity, and I'm not kidding about that. Recognize the areas that God helps you in and after you've written them down tell other's about them! The power of testimony helps not only you but also those around you.
6. If it won't matter in five years it's not worth getting upset about now.
I want to be super laid back and worry free all of the time, but of course I have my moments. Some things that I get irritated or annoyed at are really silly things to get upset about because they don't even really matter. It's not worth getting upset when the door gets left open for the one millionth time or someone forgets to put away the blender. Those things don't matter. Don't sweat the small things, because in the end they really aren't that big of a deal!
7. Self-love is not pride.
It's okay to love who you are! God wants you to love yourself just the way that He made you, despite any shortcomings you may have. God is the ultimate artist, and He made each and every one of us in the specific way that we are for a specific purpose. He worked so hard to create this beautiful masterpiece, and it's okay to love it without asking Him if He could make just a few changes to suit your wishes a little better. Choose to be kind to yourself and don't beat yourself up if you mess up. Repent to God and whoever else you need to repent to, forgive yourself, and move on to your next amazing adventure. It truly is one!
8. I am still enough.
Even when I blow it God's love for me is not diminished. I am forgivable no matter what tragic sin I commit. God never made a person He didn't love, and even when I fail I am still wanted, I am still worth it... And so are you. He owns the skies and still He wants your heart. Did you ever hear of a better love story? I never did.
What are some things that God taught you in 2018? Let us know in the comments!
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