Happy New Year!

07 January

Happy New Year to all of you who are reading this right now! 

Goodness, I can't believe that 2019 is already gone. I had been saying almost every day in the weeks leading up to New Years that I couldn't believe that 2019 was almost over and we were about to enter into a new decade. Now it's finally here and we are already a week into 2020! Everything seems to go by so fast these days, especially when I realize that my last post was in March of last year, but it is the new year and the time has come when people come up with their New Years resolutions and write their yearly updates, so I thought that I had better do the same despite the fact that I have been very undedicated to writing and posting on this blog that I've had for years now. So here goes my update and my thoughts on last year and this year to come! 

I would say that 2018 was my big year for exciting things to happen.  I traveled the North West for five weeks, graduated, went to Israel by myself for three weeks, and learned so many things about myself during that year. 2019 was slightly less exciting, however. I traveled to Ohio with my mom and the newest addition to our household, Aaron, for a friend's wedding, spent the summer teaching, practicing, taking the kids to their summer activities, and living our regularly fast-paced schedule of hosting worship nights once a week and going to fellowship. Then of course you throw the Feast days in there and all of the planning that goes into that. I did go to Oklahoma with some friends for another friend's wedding in September, but that was really the extent of my year. When I sat down to write this and I tried to think of all of the fun and exciting things I did, I kind of wondered what to write and if I should even bother writing anything at all. Yes I went a few places, but it really didn't seem that exciting to me compared to 2018. I almost didn't even write this update at all, until I took a step back and realized something. You don't have to have a crazy year that was crammed full of different things that happened. Those are nice, but it really is okay to look back on your year and see that you didn't travel to a million different places and do a million different fun things. Your year can be full of simply just existing. Simply just living life, going to work, just being. That is how my year was... Finding joy in the mundane things of life and existing in this crazy, beautiful world that God placed me in. Your year doesn't have to look like an instagram sensation's year to be important enough to write about. You can just exist in this world, and that can be all there is to it. It really is as simple as that. 
I'll post a few pictures, but I would say that that is how my year was. Living simply and doing life with my family. It went by fast, and it really was a good year. My hopes for this coming year? I hope that I can learn to be content with where I am and that I can continue to find joy and excitetment and mundane things. I hope that I can be a better sister, daughter, and friend. I hope that I can plant good thoughts in my mind, and I hope that good things can grow and bear good fruit. I hope that this is my year for change and I hope that I can become a better version of myself and help others to know how much they are loved. I hope that I can be kinder, and I hope that I will become wiser. I hope that 2020 is the start to something amazing and wondeful, and I hope that it is another good year! 

Happy New Year! 

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About Me

STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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