22 JuneHey everyone! How have you all been? Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's been rough without my kitty, Joy, who died two and a half weeks ago. Her sister, Polly, is very sad without her friend and is acting very lonely. We're hoping, though, that she'll start acting like her usual old self: playing, catching mice, ect.
We have a lot to do! We have a couple birthday's coming up (our friend Sophie's and my little sister Elianah's) so that's exciting! Fourth of July is almost here, also, and we all know what that means! Fireworks, miniature American Flags and TONS of potato salad and watermelon and root beer floats and, mmm, the list goes on and on! And did I mention root beer floats?
The Love and Purity tour with Brayden and Tali Waller and Victoria and Aaron Hood was so awesome! Brayden and Tali told their stories (they went through a biblical betrothal) and Aaron talked about keeping yourself pure from the world. They're message was so powerful! I encourage you to go to their website and check out a couple different things:
Betrothed DVD
The Betrothed movie is one of the most interesting and amazing documentaries I've ever watched, and I never get bored of it! It's the story of Brayden and Tali Waller and how they went through their betrothal. Check out their website for more info!
Betrothed Book
This is a must read for everyone in America, for all ages! Ten couples who went through betrothals wrote down their stories and Ha Yovel published them in a book. We purchased the book from them when they came through town and I've read it and all ready feel like reading it again!
Betrothed CD
These are songs that Tali and Brayden wrote, and they're so beautiful! Some of them they wrote for each other, but they wanted everything in their betrothal to be a picture of Yeshua and his bride.
All of these are things that I could read, watch, and listen to over and over again! Please go to www.hayovel.com and check these out!
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