Chag Sameach!
05 MarchHappy Purim! I hope that you all are having a wonderful holiday! Sadly, we had some sick kiddos, so we're not doing much feasting today. :( Next time! Caleb and Sadie aren't feeling too great today and last night. Hopefully they'll get better soon, though!
Purim is such a wonderful time. I'm reminded often around this time of year of what a loving God we have! He saved His people through a seemingly impossible miracle, and time and time again through history we see how His hand is with His people constantly.
Anyway, even though there are a few kids not feeling well and all the parties have been called off :(, we are still feasting on Hamentaschen! Yum! My Mom and I don't prefer the fruit filling though, so we're making..... Drum roll, please.......
Chocolate Hamentaschen!
This is absolutely delicious! It's not my recipe (sadly) but here is the link to the blog I found it on:
We love it! The chocolate is brownies, and it's pretty not good for you, but it. Is. Amazing! I'll probably make this every year. (We found the recipe last Purim). I hope you enjoy it!
(egg white- for forming hamantaschen)
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