Summer update

28 June

Hey everyone! Sorry I kind of fell off the face of the planet for a little while! (Okay, since Mother's Day... A long time ago 😜) but I'm back now! A lot has been going lately, in case you haven't guessed from my long silence. We celebrated Caleb's eleventh birthday on the 30th of May, and we just got back on Sunday from the Colorado Super Conferene in Denver! Boy was that fun! I was able to go part of the time (the kids all stayed at my grandma's house in Arvada) and it was great! Since getting back we have still been super busy. Father's Day was spent driving home from Denver and then going to my Dad's parents house for dinner.

Wednesday we had two special speakers from Israel named Doron Keidar and John Enarson at our house teaching about Zion and the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. They spent the night Wednesday and went on to their next stopping point on Thursday. Then we got invited to our friends the Miller's house for Erev Shabbat and we got to visit with the speakers again, so that was nice. It was also my parents  16th anniversary that day!!!

Shabbat was spent at the Miller's house and we were back there again today doing a Krav Maga class with Mr. Keidar. And now we're home again, and we have to go back to Grand Junction tomorrow for music lessons! So you can hopefully understand that we have been extremely busy and writing has been pushed lower on the priority list. This post won't be super exciting and amazing, but I just thought I'd say hello so that you would know that I have not abandoned this blog. :)

Hope you all are doing well! Shalom!

Emma Grace

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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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