25 December
Overcoming is hard work.
Really, think about it.
When you engage in negative thoughts and activities, you are wiring your brain to have damaging and negative thinking patterns. Has anyone else ever noticed how seemingly impossible it is to break bad habits? Yet we can fall out of good habits in an instant without even meaning or wanting to.
It is the same thing with forming habits. We have no issue getting into bad habits and patterns in our daily lives... eating, sleeping, even our speech and our very thoughts. Yet somehow creating good habits and routines is "time consuming" and difficult to keep to. I'm not just talking about our daily skin care routine.
I'm talking about our thought patterns.
Our mental health.
And inevitably, our physical and spiritual well being.
So, overcoming is hard work.
That is part of the journey! Yes, there may be setbacks along the way, but that is all just part of tearing down the next stronghold of the evil one in your life; about passing the test and going from glory, to glory, to glory, to glory.
When we fall, we can't lay there and let the enemy walk all over us and tell us what failures we are and how no matter how hard we try we will never be healed, or have our minds renewed, or hear from God, or whatever lies that the enemy tries to tell us. You are worth more than that. Pick yourself back up and press forward and keep your eyes focused on the Father! The righteous man falls seven times, and RISES AGAIN! When he falls he rises again and presses forward and comes out stronger than before.
Let me tell you this.
You are not a failure if you fall.
Setbacks are not failures.
Miracles happen when you stand tall and never give up on others, on God, on yourself.
You can climb this mountain. No doubt about that. Because you are a child of God, and no matter how deep the waters, or how hight the mountain, or how dark the night, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
So thank God for the hardships in your life, the trials, the setbacks.
Those things are not what define you. What defines you is God's love and who God says you are. Nothing... No one, can ever change that.
I am not my failures.
I am not my mistakes.
I am an overcomer!
And so are you.
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