When Peace is our Dwelling

09 April

 We live in a world where everything is centered around fear.

How do we trust God in the midst of a fear based society?  

Sometimes tragedy and challenges are unavoidable.
Everything happens for a reason, but sometimes the reason is painfully unclear to us or seemingly nonexistent. These things are difficult enough to deal with, but the enemy likes to make things harder for us and turn our eyes from God by putting us into fear, causing us to doubt God's plan for our lives and paralyzing us and tormenting us, a sad side-affect of our fallen and sin-filled world. In the face of pain and adversity and and hopelessness,  how do we trust our Father, believing that nothing is out of His control?

 When we choose to dwell in peace and enter into the rest that is God's gift to us, He pours out His blessing on us like rain. 
Choosing peace over panic is the key to trusting in God's goodness to us, despite what our eyes are telling us. 

Fact isn't always truth. 

Let me say that again.

Fact isn't always truth. 

Sometimes the facts are overruled by truth and the salvation of God. 
His words are truth and life to us, and they never return void. 

Sometimes when we are bombarded with statistics and numbers and facts we need to take a step back in order to see the tapestry more clearly. 

The fact was that the man who was born blind would never see sunlight. 
The truth was that God had a purpose and a plan to reveal His glory.

The fact was that there were only five loaves of bread and two fish to feed a multitude of men, women, and children. 
The truth was that God could provide for and meet the needs of every single man, woman, and child then and now, despite the physical circumstances. 

The fact was that our Messiah lay dead in the tomb for three days after being crucified on the cross. 
The truth was that He rose and conquered that grave, never to face death again, and that He lives and will one day rule and reign in Jerusalem. 


That's what these are. 


Miracles to show God's power and might and love for us, a sinful people. 
He knows the heart of men and still He lets them live. 
What an awesome God we serve!

Friends, When peace is our dwelling, a thousand fears melt away as we enter into the loving embrace of our Abba Father. 

When peace is our dwelling, the darkness we may be in doesn't seem so dark anymore because we know without a doubt that God is with us.

When peace is our dwelling, blessings rain down on our souls... Joy, life, hope. 

When peace is our dwelling, fear has no place in our lives. 
To find peace is to triumph over fear and simply let go and allow our Abba to send His comfort. 

When we abide in God's love, there is no room for fear. Perfect love drives out fear, and there is no fear in love.

He holds our very lives in His hands, and there is no safer place to be than in His will.

for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and sound mind. 

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1 Posted by Emma comments

  1. This is such a beautiful post... Very encouraging. Thank you for sharing!


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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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