Israel matters

24 July

I'm sure that many of you have been reading about the things that are going on in Israel right now. It's all over the news. Israel is at the center of the worlds attention right now. Everybody is waiting to see what else is going to happen. For Torah observant people it should be a big deal. Why isn't it?

People, even Torah observant people think that Israel doesn't matter anymore. Some people even think that the Jews are the problem. They don't think that Hamas is that great, but the group is not really the problem... Right?

Wrong! The Israeli's are not doing ANY THING! The problem is Hamas, the Arab's, the Palestinian's, you get the point. Here are a few examples of why and how the Israeli's are not causing the war in Israel right now.

1. Israel is currently separated into two sections: section A and section B. A areas are Arab controlled and only Arab's/Palestinians aloud. Israeli's are never aloud in A areas with one exception; they are aloud to go once a month on a bus in the middle of the night with IDF (Israeli Defense Force) soldiers to Joseph's Tomb.

B areas are controlled by the IDF, but there are Israelis and Palestinians aloud. Do you see the problem?

2. Hamas has been firing rockets into Israel for a very long time. Without the Iron Dome, so many more people would be dead or seriously injured. When Egypt proposed a cease fire a couple weeks ago, Israel held the cease fire for six hours. The whole time Hamas was still sending rockets into Israel. They finally had to start firing back again, and the world is saying that it's Israel's fault.

3. Hamas stores all of their rocket launchers under homes, schools, and apartment buildings. When the Israeli's figures out where they are, they call or text people's personal cell phones and tell them at what time they are going to start bombing in that area and tell them to get their family's and evacuate. Hamas turns around and tells them not to leave, to stay, because if they die this way then they'll be martyrs and they'll go to heaven. So they stay, naturally, and are killed. That's why there are so many casualties.

These are only a few of the many examples that there are. What the world is doing to Israel is unrealistic and unbelievable. If these things were happening to America, we would NEVER put up with that! If that's true, then why are we trying to force Israel to give up there land? It's not biblical and it's also not fair. Israel has not done anything to the Arab's to deserve this. Israel is not trying to kill every Arab that ever lived. Hamas is. They are teaching their children that they have to "Finish Hitler's job" and they are never going to stop until "Every Jew is dead." If the Palestinians would just live peacefully in Israel there would be no problem. Instead they are trying to take Israel for themselves, even though their Quran says that Israel is for the Jews. (Hmm... Interesting...) They are harassing them, terrorizing them, trying to kill them, and why? Why is the world so set against Israel?

Read your Bible. When you see the phrase "The Land" in your bible, it's talking about Israel. Not the current state of Israel, the Israel that God promised to his people. It's simple, and it's real. Read your Bible.

It is so important to go to Israel right now. They need us, they need you, they need people who love them and love the Land. We are trying to go to Israel with Ha Yovel this year to harvest grapes. This is the sixth year, which means that there's going to be a double harvest. They need us much more than ever right now. If you have a love for the Land and Jewish people, GO!

Thanks for reading today. Please pray for Israel. It's very real, and it's Yahweh's land and Yahweh's people. Read your bible. All of it.


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1 Posted by Emma comments

  1. Anonymous7/27/2014

    It's so horrible what's going on right now! You're right; we do need to be praying for them and reading about what's going to happen in the future.


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STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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