
Love and Purity tour!

22 May

Hey everyone! I hope you all have been doing great since my last post hundreds of years ago. :) Life has been busy, and full of sweet laughter and fun.

We have a couple of announcements since I last wrote. Passover was awesome, first of all, and now we're on the thirty third day of the Omer. Psalm 119 is one of my favorite songs. It's all about what a blessing Yahweh's Torah is to us, and I can't tell you true that is! There is more freedom in the boundaries of the Torah than outside them, but that's another topic that I don't have time to discuss today. The other announcement is, we have some guest speakers in Colorado in June!

The Love and Purity/Betrothal tour is coming up fast! Brayden & Tali Waller, along with Victoria and Aaron Hood will be in Orchard City June seventh and several other places in Grand Junction later in the week. This is an exciting tour, considering both the Wallers and the Hoods have gone through a betrothal. Nate and Katie Waller's wedding back in March of 2013 was so beautiful. Though we were not at the betrothal ceremony, we were very blessed to be at their wedding feast at Family Week last year. It's so pure and lovely, so we are very excited to have them here! For more information on when and where they'll be during the tours, please click here. It's a tour that's a little bit different than what they usually do, so please don't miss it!

 Praise Yahweh, O my soul, all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

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3 Posted by Emma comments

  1. Anonymous5/23/2014

    That sounds exciting!

  2. Wow. I can't believe how fast the time goes! It seems like yesterday that we had Passover. I can't wait for the tour. I LOVE the new look by the way ;)


  3. Thanks. I like it too.


About Me

STRIVING to worship and give God glory through music and art, ENCOURAGING others through writing, LIVING LIFE to the fullest with joy and purpose, BELIEVING in His promises and what He says is truth, STANDING in who I am in Christ.

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